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Antigua School - Project #4



The Montessori School of St. John's Antigua is a pre-school on the foreign missions field that Fuller Street feels called to work along side Bro. Livingstone to provide support.  Bro. Livingstone is originally from St. John's, Antigua of the West Indies, and knows of the financial hardships the teachers and Principal of this school face just to keep the doors open.   You can help us meet the needs of these educators trying to prepare and educate our young ones, even in foregin lands.


Here are the five projects we are working to assist them in accomplishing:


  1.  Anual Termite Inspection & Treatment - Completed 10/2022

  2.  Build 15 Book Shelves and Bookcases  - Completed 11/2022

  3. Training Materials & Supplies               - Funds Raised  6/2023

  4. Roof & Gutter Repairs                         - Raising Funds - Now

  5. Camera Lense (Used to assit in fund     - Not Started
    raisiing and a teaching tool.


Antigua is presently in a long drought condition.  The whole island has been suffering water rationing for years.  This makes it very difficult to maintain proper hygienic condtions for little children.  Sometimes water has to be transported to the school in containers for toilets and washing of hands, etc.

Part of the gutttering on the school roof (which is used to collect rain water) was torn off during a hurricane and could not be replaced due to a lack of finance.  A larger tank and installation is neeeded.  Please help us reach on goal for this Project #4.  Materials and Labor:

          16 Sheets of Galvanized metal      = 1,702.00
           5 lengths of gutters & fittings      =    289.00
           Labour                                      = 1,400.00


Please click this link to see pictures from Project #1

Please click this link to see pictures from Project #2

Please click this link to see pictures from Project #3

School in Antigua West Indies.png

The Montessori School 
St. Johns, Antigua, West Indies

Help Us Reached Our Goal!!!

Project #4 - Roof and Gutter Repairs



Please write "Antigua School" in the Notes field for your donation.

Last Updated - January, 2024

Current Status

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