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These are the ministries of Fuller Street Church.  Find a place where your gifts are needed and you can serve in the body of Christ. 



All members at FSC are encouraged to be prayer warriors.  It is an absolute imperative that the church body becomes a people of much prayer.  Jesus told the parable of the unjust judge and the widow to illustrate the point "that men ought always to pray, and not to faint." 


The Apostle Paul encouraged us in I Thessalonians 5:17, to "pray without ceasing."  Not much Kingdom work will be done without much prayer. Feel free to send us your prayer requests and we will help lift them up to the Lord.



Sunday School


We have Sunday School every First, Second and Third Sunday Morning, scheduled to start at 9:00 AM.  Fuller Street has very capable Bible teachers and students, who have spent years in God's Word.  The lessons are taught directly from the Word, and applied directly to our lives.

Youth & Young Adults


Most of our young adults grew up in this church and have a good foundation of faith.  They were nurtured in our "CheckPoint Ministries" programs, where they were taught to always compare and check their lives against "The Standard", God's Word.






Our music director, Deacon Joshua III, is an anointed musicians, who has served as Fuller Street's Minister of Music faithfully for more than forty years.  He has also work patiently to prepared many of our young people to become very competent musicians.

Recent Sermon (Audio)


Click the audio play button below to hear the highlights from one of Pastor Livingstone's most recent messages.  (Be sure to have your audio turned on and unmuted.)


Sunday, January 4, 2015 & January 11, 2015
Topic: A Covenant Keeping God
Message Text: The Glory of the First Covenant

Text Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:9
References: Romans 3:19-20; 7:7-25; Galatians 3:30, 10, 24-25; Hebrews 8:7-13; Jerimiah 31:33-34;

"The Glory of the First Covenant" - Pastor Livingstone
Archived Sermons (Audio)


To hear more archived sermon highlights, click the "Archived" button on the right.  (Be sure to have your audio turned on and unmuted.) 

Elderly & Widows


It is all of our duties to not only pray for the sick and shut-ins, but to also care for the widows and the elderly.  We want to provide support both spiritually and materially.  

Community Services


Shiloh Soup Kitchen Fuller Street supports this non-profit organization which provides meals to the needy in the community. Please join us in supporting this worthy cause.


Back to School Supply Drive  - we also participate in an annual back to school supply effort to help meet the needs of both teachers and students each year.  Students and teachers need more and more supplies, but are having to purchase much of these materials out of their own pockets. Many families are finding it difficult to purchase all the supplies their children are required to have each year.   Schools welcome this kind of support throughout the school year.

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